Kenshō Wellness

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I have an invitation for you today.

If like most you’re in the midst of healing your trauma. Dare to take it lightly.

Healing trauma is all part of the game of life. Except in this game, there's no winning or losing. It's just a playful game, designed to help us learn about ourselves.

"Healing" in and of itself is part of this game, just like everything else is.

This universe is a hologram and an illusion, born out of supreme consciousness. Everything & I mean absolutely everything originates from divinity (Brahman), including your trauma.

Healing trauma can feel heavy, 99.99% of the time. The thing that's helped me most is to approach trauma lightly. Whilst the contents of what has happened in my childhood & the impact it's had on me (& the character "Sanya") can feel serious & confronting, what we must remember is that this is all still Maya (illusion).

We're in a simulation & we are the main characters of this video game called life. Whilst a part of us (our psyche) is deeply affected by trauma & seeks resolution, we're also intimately connected with our Soul or Atman. Our Soul is completely unaffected by the Trauma we (our ego) has faced.

Our soul is untouched by pain. It's permanent. Absolute. Requires nothing from us. It's just conscious awareness.

How can this profound knowledge help you?

It can help you see your trauma from a different perspective and approach healing from a place where you're rooted in your conscious awareness (or your Soul). Even when you’re in the process of doing inner work to heal trauma, you’re doing this from awareness. The only difference is that when trauma is resolved in your bodymind, the fog starts to lift. Then, you’re able to more easily perceive who you are - beyond the trauma.

Your character has experienced Trauma, not your True self. 

If you want to heal this trauma, know that you're helping your avatar in this lifetime have a better life experience. But it's not necessary. You get to decide whether you want to play this game!

In my experience, healing trauma and resolving childhood wounds has been helpful for my character, as it has allowed me to build a more solid sense of self. This sense of self or crystallising of the Ego is one of the paths to liberation.

When I first realised how much I was suffering, and the childhood wounds that were directly related this suffering manifesting in my adult life, I took it all quite seriously. That’s because I didn’t know any better.

The irony is that taking it seriously, I progressed at a much slower level. Once I realised this and started taking it more lightly (because I saw that my Soul could never be in pain), the process of healing felt easier. In fact, dare I say it, it even became fun!

So here’s my friendly reminder, take your pain and suffering and the process of healing more lightly my dear, it's all part of the play of life!