Kenshō Wellness

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It’s time to move out of your comfort zone. That place that gives you the perception of safety and security, but isn’t helping you grow. Your dreams literally lie on the other side of your comfort zone. Your desires want to be manifested, as much as you- the dreamer, want to turn them into reality.

We all know when we’ve overstayed our welcome in the comfort zone. We know when it’s time to move, and wriggle our way out. But why do so many of us get stuck there, freeze, as we complain or silently wish things were different? It’s because the school curriculum didn’t teach us some very basic and important things:

  • How to embrace discomfort

  • How to be embrace negative emotions

  • How to embrace fear

  • How to be kinder, gentler and more compassionate towards ourselves

If we manage to embrace it ALL, the dark and the light, the fear and the love, the unpleasant and the pleasant emotions, we’d be unstoppable. We’d truly live in our magnificence. That job, that lover, health, and pure happiness wouldn’t be something we’d have to fight for. Things would flow.

You see the universe is always saying YES. It wants you to fulfill your dreams. It gets nothing out of stopping you from living the life you truly wish to live. So what’s the catch then? Why do so many of us find ourselves suffering and thinking that life is happening TO us and keeping us from our truest desires?

You guessed the answer, it’s US. We’re the ones stopping ourselves from living a life that’s truly fulfilling. There is literally nothing outside of you creating this. But then you might say, “I didn’t ask my job to be so boring or my partner to be so manipulative or my body to feel this pain”

Truth is... you did my friend. We never receive anything from life that we didn’t ask for or arrange in the first place. Everything is placed in front of you, by a higher part of you (your Soul) to encourage you to grow, evolve and step into a grander version of yourself. Think back to your last challenge and how much growth came from being so uncomfortable, would you say that you’re a more evolved person as a result of facing this challenge? We need challenge as human beings. Without challenge, we wouldn’t experience the incredible feeling we get when we ‘overcome’ and truly achieve something that felt unachievable to start with.

When challenges are thrown your way, say ‘hello, old friend! It must be time…How are you going to encourage me to grow today? How are you going to push me further towards my desires?”